Some interesting articles....(UPDATED Oct 2)
Jobs, Economy and Financial Markets
- Kash Mansori at Street Light: Causes of the Eurozone Crisis (Part 2): Policy Implications [I hope to come back to this topic in a future post]
- Kash Mansori at Street Light: Moral Judgment and Bad Economics from the ECB
- Menzie Chinn at Econbrowser: De-Mythologizing Fiscal Consolidation
- FDL Book Salon: Lost Decades - The Making of America's Debt Crisis and the Long Recovery (by Menzie Chinn and Jeffry Frieden)
- David Dayen at Firedoglake: The Shattered Foreclosure Fraud Settlement - An Unlikely Victory Against a Cartel of Oligarchs
- Joseph E. Gagnon, Nicholas R. Lardy and Nicholas Borst at China Economic Watch: The Internal Cost of China's Currency Policy [via Wonkblog]
- Avinash Persaud at Vox EU: EU's financial transaction tax is feasible, and if set right, desirable
- Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI): U.S. Economy Tipping Into Recession
- James Bianco at The Big Picture: Another Huge Earnings Miss Coming?
- Jake at Econompic Data: Nominal Mortgage Rates Never Lower
- Tim Taylor at Conversable Economist: How Does Inequality Affect Economic Growth? [via EV]
- Andrew G. Berg and Jonathan D. Ostry at IMF, Finance and Development: Equality and Efficiency
- Toby Sanger at the Progressive Economics Forum: Who's over- or under-paid?
- Sascha O. Becker, Marion Jensen and Marc Muendler at Vox EU: Making globalization work for workers
- Jake at Econompic Data: Extended Corporate Profits
- Christina Romer at New York Times: A Plan on Jobs Deserves a Hearing [related study by IMF here is worth a look]
- Larry Mishel at Economic Policy Institute: Regulatory uncertainty - A phony explanation for our jobs problem
- Uwe Reinhardt at Economix: The Role of Prices in Health Care Spending
- Uwe Reinhardt at Economix: On Health Care, the Devil's in the Details
- Uwe Reinhardt at Economix: The Money Flow from Households to Health Care Providers
- Dean Baker and Jagdish Bhagwati in CNN/CEPR: How Global Trade Can Rein in Health Costs
- Center for Economic and Policy Research: Health Care Budget Deficit Calculator
- Sarah Kliff at Wonk Blog in the Washington Post: Our budget problem in two charts (and one issue)
- Dana Goldstein at Slate: Still Waiting for Superman [via Wonkblog]
- Flashback - some critical responses to the documentary "Waiting for Superman": Rick Ayers at The Answer Sheet, Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet, Diane Ravitch at The New York Review of Books
Environment (Cost of Natural Disasters and Pollution)
- Infographic on Natural Disasters in the US by Digital Surgeons [via Wonkblog]
- Nicholas Z. Muller, Robert Mendelsohn and William Nordhaus in American Economic Review: Environmental Accounting for Pollution in the United States Economy [related post: Paul Krugman]
- Joe Romm at Think Progress: Global Food Prices Stuck Near Record High Levels [also see here]
- Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism: Friedrich Hayek Joins Ayn Rand as a Hypocritical User of Medicare
- Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism: Why Liberals Are Lame: McCarthyite Identity Politics as Cover for Bankrupt Policies [related post: Daily Howler]
That's it for this Saturday.
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